Monday, March 7, 2011


I love using Picnik! Even though I was familiar with this online tool prior to the presentation in class, I never used it until I took this course. I stumbled upon it while trying to edit photos that I uploaded to my google account, the same way I began using picasa. Since then, I have spent far too much time exploring all of the different things you can do to photos. I used picnik to edit all of the screen shots used in the prezi that Whitaker and I created as an artifact for our Web 2.0 project. Using picnik makes me happy; I just love to read the little things it says while the site loads, like "sprinkling dew" and "stealing picnik baskets." It also makes me happy that I do not have to create an account to use it. All the user names and passwords I have created for this class are really annoying! It wasn't so bad at first, but now the list is getting a little too long. Oh well.

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